Portable Digital Recorder

Want to record music or audio in excellent quality? No need for bulky stuff as Zoom H4N Handy Portable Digital Recorder make this all possible with small size but big quality audio recording. The built-in X/Y stereo mics record at either 90° or 120°. It allows 4 channel simultaneous recording using built-in and external mics.…

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Vegetable Scrubbing Gloves

For working mothers there is always rush in kitchen. You can speed up vegetable preparation easily using Fabrikators Skrub’a Gloves. These are made of FDA tested nylon mesh that can quickly and thoroughly clean vegetables. Scrubbing is better than peeling off vegetables as outer layer is full of nutrients. These machine wash-able gloves are available…

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Fogless Shower Mirror

Do fog-less mirror work? Do they actually remain fog-less over period of extended use? These are big questions when you want to buy a fog-less mirror for easy shaving, make-up in fogged up bathroom after hot shower. Fogless Shower Mirror with Squeegee by ToiletTree Product does work. It does not require on any fog free…

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Crystal Knife Rests

Sometimes small amazing things are enough to capture attention of your guests. Godinger crystal knife rests in dumbbell shape looks so elegant and beautiful. Made from 24% leaded crystal they sparkle in a refined manner. This set of crystal knife rests is perfect for formal entertaining and will complement any table setting. This decor piece…

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Sand Timers

How about going back to basics and using elegant sand timers instead of modern digital stop watches? Kuchenprofi Sand Tea Timers set has green color for 3 minute, black color for 5 minute and red color for 7 minute timer. Just turn it upside down, when sand drains completely to bottom – then time is…

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Pet House Stand

How about a pet cat house that blends seamlessly in your room furniture? Merry Pet Products has Cat washroom and rest place that looks like night stand table. From outside it looks like usual coffee table where you can put small items like clock, books etc. However, at the bottom part it cleverly hides an…

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